If we are dieters or dieters in diet or dieting we need a special calculator that shows us the most ideal weight for us according to the characteristics of our body such as height, age and others.
Our computer shows you the right number of calories that should be taken daily to reach the desired goal, which we offer you in this application smoothly.
The application provides an accurate calculation of the ideal weight as well as the measurement of body mass based on the type of person if a man or woman and the length of the person in centimeters and age, and also gives a significant result of the proportion of fat in the body.
The application includes several important options to provide the user with the appropriate result of his condition, as it includes the option to determine the gender male or female as well as determine the level or rate of daily activity and also the goal that the user seeks to achieve whether maintaining the current weight or weight loss and slimming body or increase.
We also know that any diet program of various kinds, such as dieting, protein diet, water diet or any other type, requires enough water daily.
1. A quick calculation of your ideal weight as well as your body mass by type, length in centimeters and age and determine your degree of obesity.
2 - Determine the daily number of calories to be preferred depending on the type, weight, length, level of activity and goal to be achieved.
3 - Calculator drinking water gives you the number of liters that are preferred to eat in a day to maintain the body in full vitality and activity.
Our application also includes determining the percentage of fat in your body as well as the types of nutritional values of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in grams that are preferred daily, depending on your height, weight, age, activity rate and goal. Daily thermometers do not apply to pregnant or lactating or bodybuilders.